Giacomo Pozzi is a Research Assistant in Cultural Anthropology at the Faculty of Arts and Tourism, IULM University (Milan). From 2019 to 2021 he was Research Fellow in Cultural Anthropology at the University of Milano-Bicocca. In 2018 he obtained the title of PhD in Cultural and Social Anthropology at the University of Milano-Bicocca in cotutela with the Doutoramento em Estudos Urbanos of ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCSH-UNL). He is a member of the Ethnological Mission to Senegal and West Africa (MESAO), funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. He is co-director of the Academic Series “Territories” (Edit Press) and member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Anthropology, of the Editorial Committee of Tracce Urbane. Italian Journal of Urban Studies, of the Scientific Committee of ETNO .URB., Rede de Etnografia Urbana and of the “Laboratorio di Studi Urbani” (University of Ferrara). He is a member of the Italian Society of Applied Anthropology, of the European Association of Social Anthropology and of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore. He conducts ethnographic research in the area of urban and contemporary anthropology on the topics of housing vulnerability, marginality and public policies between Portugal, Italy and Cape Verde. She is also interested in legal anthropology and anthropology of welfare.
Giacomo Pozzi and Paolo Grassi, 2021 The Anatomy of Houses. Materialities of Being at Home, ANUAC Rivista della Società Italiana di Antropologia Culturale [ISSN 2239-625X], 10, 2, pp. 111-128.
Giacomo Pozzi, 2021 Ghostly Real Estate. Haunting, Debt, and Capitalist Realism in Milan, Anthropology Today, [Online ISSN:1467-8322], 37, 6, December 2021, pp. 13-16,
Giacomo Pozzi, 2021 Hosting Futures: Dispossession and Hospitality in Contemporary Portugal, Etnoantropologia [ISSN: 2284-0176], 9, 1, Sezione 1, The Future(s) of the Mediterraneans: Between Uncertainty and Resilience, Capello, C., Karampampas, P., Lauth Bacas, J. (eds.), pp. 21-40.
Giacomo Pozzi, 2020, Fuori casa. Antropologia degli sfratti a Milano, Collana Antropologia della contemporaneità, Ledizioni, Milano.
Giacomo Pozzi and David Madden, 2020, The hidden history that winds through every city. Critical Urban Studies, Social Movements, and Radical Transformation. Interview with David Madden, TU Tracce Urbane. Italian Journal of Urban Studies [ISSN: 2532-6562], 7, pp. 22-30.
Giacomo Pozzi 2020 “If buildings could talk. Makeshift Urbanity on the Outskirts of Lisbon”, in Martínez, F. (ed.), Politics of Recuperation. Repair and Recovery in Post-crisis Portugal, London School of Economics Monographs on Social Anthropology. London, Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 75-99.