E-mail: fraya@usp.br
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9501-5584
É professora associada em sociologia da cidade, do espaço e da vida cotidiana na Universidade de São Paulo (USP), com mestrado e doutorado em antropologia social ali e pós-doutorado em sociologia (da cidade) nas universidades Livre e Humboldt de Berlim. Alumna da Fundação Alexander von Humboldt e bolsista do CNPq, ela coordena o Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Sociologia do Espaço e do Tempo (NEPSESTE) na USP, onde atua ainda como lead partner do Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (DAAD-Exceed) da Technische Universität Berlin. Foi pesquisadora visitante nas universidades Livre, Humboldt e Técnica de Berlim, na Técnica de Darmstadt, em Paris Diderot, Viena, além de visiting fellow da Universidade de Cambridge e professora visitante das universidades Nacional de Cuyo e Livre de Berlim.
Interessa-se sobretudo pelas relações entre espaço (corporal e/ou urbano) e tempo (cotidiano e histórico); espaço, tempo e corpo na sociologia; mobilidade urbana; patrimônio cultural; corpo, espaço público e cidade (no Brasil); usos de lugares públicos (ruas, praças, parques etc.); cultura visual urbana; cidade de São Paulo (história); pensamento social sobre a cidade; sociologia do conhecimento de senso comum.
Fraya Frehse is an Associate Professor of Sociology of the City, of Space and of Everyday Life at the University of São Paulo (USP), where she did her MA and her PhD in Social Anthropology, before becoming a post-doctoral research fellow in Sociology (of the City) at Freie Universität Berlin and at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. As an alumna of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and a Productivity Research fellow of the Brazilian Research Council (CNPq), Frehse coordinates the Centre for Studies and Research on the Sociology of Space and Time (NEPSESTE) at USP, where she moreover acts as the lead partner of the Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (DAAD-Exceed) at Technische Universität Berlin. She was a visiting scholar at the three Berlin universities (Freie, Humboldt and Technische), at Technische Universität Darmstadt and at Paris Diderot and Vienna. Moreover, she was a visiting fellow of the University of Cambridge, and a visiting professor of both the National University of Cuyo and Freie Universität Berlin.
She mainly does research on the relations between (bodily and/or urban) space and (everyday and historical) time; space, time and body in Sociology; urban mobility; cultural heritage; body, public space and city (in Brazil); the uses of public places (streets, squares, parks etc.); urban visual culture; city of São Paulo (history); social thought on the city; sociology of everyday life knowledge.
Publicações selecionadas
Frehse, F. (2020). On the temporalities and spatialities of the production of space. In: SFB 1265 Working Paper Series, 4, 27 p., <https://sfb1265.de/einblicke/publikationen/working-paper-nr-4-on-the-temporalities-and-spatialities-of-the-production-of-space/>
Frehse, F. (2019). A historicidade da metropolização – na rua do centro de São Paulo dos anos 1950. In: Lanna, A. L. D., S. Souchaud and R. Cymbalista (eds.). Transições Metropolitanas. São Paulo/Paris, Annablume/IRD Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, 153-186.
Frehse, F. (2017). Relational Space through Historically Relational Time – in the Bodies of São Paulo’s Pedestrians. Current Sociology, 65 (2), Monograph 2, <http://journals.sagepub.com/eprint/pZr5UAfMpp9EQYPs5xmP/full> [printed version in Current Sociology Monograph, 65 (4), 2017, 511-532].
Outras publicações: http://usp-br.academia.edu/FrayaFrehse