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8 Minutos e 46 Segundos: Seleções dos arquivos da revista CITY & SOCIETY sobre Racismo, Policiamento e Protesto

A CITY & SOCIETY, revista da SUNTA (Society for Urban, National and Transnational/Global Anthropology), disponibiliza, em acesso aberto, um conjunto de artigos sobre as temáticas do Racismo, Policiamento e Protesto. Solidários, os editores procuram contribuir para a análise e a destruição das forças que conduziram à crise multidimensional que vivemos.

Os artigos, incluindo “The Neighborhood Strikes Back: Community Murals by Youth in B oston’s Communities of Color” de Tim Sieber, Graça Cordeiro e Lígia Ferro estão disponíveis na página da revista, acompanhados de um breve texto dos editores e de uma Declaração de Solidariedade para com as Vítimas de Violência Policial, que reproduzimos abaixo:

“In keeping with our responsibility to cultivate a national and international community of critical scholars of urban life, the editors of City & Society offer this selection of articles, accessible to all, from our archives as a small act of solidarity with all of those outraged and bereaved by the unjust deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade and so many others. In doing so we seek to contribute to the analysis and the ultimate undoing of the forces that have led to the multidimensional crisis we see unfolding before us: the systematic criminalization and devaluation of Black lives, as well as those of members of other racialized communities; the militarization of urban space; the refusal to provide public services, spaces, and infrastructure that might permit all people to thrive; the rollback of policies aimed towards equality, justice and decency; and backlash against progressive social movements. We also offer these articles to document and learn from the creativity, conviviality and tenacity with which urbanites protest injustice through occupying and producing urban space.

As well as these articles, we also include below a statement of solidarity from the Board of the Society for Urban, National, and Transnational Anthropology (SUNTA), City & Society’s sponsoring section.

Julian Brash (Associate Editor), Sheri Lynn Gibbings (co-Editor), Derek Pardue (co-Editor)

SUNTA Statement of Solidarity with Victims of Police Violence

SUNTA stands with all victims of police violence and those on the frontlines demanding justice in this week’s protests.

As a scholarly society committed to social justice, we mourn the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Tony McDade, and we reflect on the long history of Black lives lost to racialized state violence.

As a scholarly group devoted to the study of cities, we see a very long legacy of past injustices shaping the present, in how municipal law enforcement across the United States became militarized and insulated from legal action, in how groups and neighborhoods were criminalized, in how policing remains an ever-growing part of government budgets even as other vital human services face cuts and privatization.

Anthropology also offers us examples of the transformative power of protest, and powerful visions of a more just future.

And we raise our professional voice to assert that Black Lives Matter!

The SUNTA Board”

OpenEdition sugere que esta publicação seja citada da seguinte forma:
patriciapereira (13 de Junho de 2020). 8 Minutos e 46 Segundos: Seleções dos arquivos da revista CITY & SOCIETY sobre Racismo, Policiamento e Protesto. ETNO.URB. Recuperado em 10 de Fevereiro de 2025 de

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