A revista City publicou recentemente um novo número, com vários artigos que mobilizam a etnografia urbana.
Editorial: From margins to centres …
Andrea Gibbons
LIFE in a ZOO. Henri Lefebvre and the (social) production of (abstract) space in Liverpool
Matthew Thompson
Special Feature: The city and its margins: Ethnographic challenges across makeshift urbanism
Tatiana Thieme, Michele Lancione & Elisabetta Rosa
Going in, out, through. A dialogue around long skirts, fried chips, frozen shacks and the makeshifts of ethnography
Michele Lancione & Elisabetta Rosa
The margins ‘in-between’. A case of multimodal ethnography
Silvia Aru, Maurizio Memoli & Matteo Puttilli
Urban ethnography and the margins at the centre. An account from Shenzhen, South China
Tung-Yi Kho
Showing ‘heart’ through ethnography. Ethical entanglements in a Ugandan marketplace
William Monteith
Space as method. Field sites and encounters in Beijing’s green belts
Yimin Zhao
‘Journeys of the I and we’. Theorizing the ethnographic encounter over time
Kavita Ramakrishnan
Navigating and negotiating ethnographies of urban hustle in Nairobi slums
Tatiana Thieme
Discussion. Start-ups and the entrepreneurial city
Donald McNeill
Book review. The spaces that anti-blackness makes
Ted Rutland
Book review. It matters who is walking. Exploring quotidian mobilities in cities
Andrea Gibbons
OpenEdition sugere que esta publicação seja citada da seguinte forma:
rita (19 de Outubro de 2017). City. Analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action. Novo número. ETNO.URB. Recuperado em 10 de Fevereiro de 2025 de https://doi.org/10.58079/ok0h